our multidisciplinary approach
Our Team of Professionals
LMS ENERGIA is a consulting company that operates in the energy services sector, and is incorporated as ESCo (Energy Service Company).
Its team of professionals offers innovative and integrated efficiency services, thanks to their multidisciplinary skills in the energy and environmental sectors, and identifies solutions able to provide for the optimization of the corresponding energy costs and the deepening of new opportunities introduced by the incentive mechanism for Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) (Italian acronym TEE).
What we can do for you
We provide consulting services related to energy end-uses, from Energy Audit to interventions through Energy Performance Contract (EPC).
In particular, being an ESCo accredited by the GSE (the Italian Energy Services Manager) and UNI CEI 11352: 2014 certified, we provide support to companies in the request for Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) and in the management and monetization of TOEs connected to interventions capable of producing certified energy savings.
Our way of working:
- Flexibility and willingness to change approach when faced with ever-changing challenges;
- Accepting the complexity of the problem, uncertainty and stress as a stimulus;
Accompanying the customer along the energy efficiency path, from the first feasibility analysis to the implementation and request for financial incentives.
Energy Efficiency
Energy Consulting
RES Systems
Due Diligence
Environmental Consulting
Research & Development
LMS Energia Srl
Viale Matteotti 15
53034 Colle di Val D’Elsa
Siena (Italy)
P.IVA 01349190528